Yellow vest protesters also marched in Paris and other French cities
Delicate wash cycles in the washing machines have been found to release more plastic microfibres than any other cycle.
Water resources are running dry in the world's highest-elevation capital due to the combined effect of the Andean glaciers melting, drought and mismanagement.But instead of surrendering, the locals in Bolivia's capital La Paz are finding new ways to tackle the changing climate.The sky-high metropolitan area's 2.7 million people have already been jolted by climate change: a severe drought that lasted for several months from 2016 into 2017 was Bolivia's worst in 25 years, leading to water rationing and widespread protests in several cities.
The study stresses on the importance of reducing the production and usage of plastic.
A fire swept a commercial dive boat near Santa Cruz Island off the coast of California
WHO says more research is needed to obtain a more accurate assessment of exposure to microplastics and their potential impacts on human health
In NASA’s latest podcast episode, an official from the agency discussed how the International Space Station (ISS) recycles the urine of its astronauts.
New research forecasts that climate change will make multiyear stretches with low snow levels more common across western North America – bad news for water managers, farmers, foresters and skiers.
Artemis mission astronauts do not have to subject themselves to the harsh environments on the moon to find water-rich soil. Researchers said they could find this in less hospitable regions.
A test conducted by the California nonprofit Center for Environmental Health found that two bottled water brands—Starkey, owned by Whole Foods and Peñafiel, owned by Keurig Dr. Pepper—contained levels of arsenic higher than tap water.
One of the ten metropolitan cities in India, Chennai is crippled by a severe water crisis due to a prolonged drought with no rainfall since 2016.
Scientists say cryovolcanoes form on icy moons and on super low-temperature astronomical objects such as Kuiper belt objects.
Scientists have discovered that Mars could be leaking hydrogen into space and cause it to become cold and dry.
Scientists believe that water-rich asteroids bombarded Earth millions of years ago and this helped form some of Earth's oceans.
Ivan Maletych, 2, remains in intensive care as he is fighting for life after suffering 70 percent burns, classified as second-degree burns.
A team of scientists from NASA and John Hopkins University reported that water is released from the Moon when a meteor shower strikes.
Scientists have often wondered where all the water of Mars have gone and now scientists reveal that dust storms could actually give a clue.
Scientists believe that Mars once had vast oceans of water found on its surface. If it's true, where have all the water gone?
NASA scientists simulated the chemical reactions on the surface of the Moon driven by solar wind.
Dozens of such boats were pushed onto Japan’s shore every year due to wind and water currents.
The mother of a 2-year-old who died of burns from scalding water was charged for the same.
Faribault airport suffered significant damage while thousands remained without power in Minnesota.