OnePlus CEO Pete Lau has confirmed that the OnePlus 6 will indeed arrive with a glass back, but he didn't mention anything about wireless charging.
OnePlus shared a short video on its Twitter page, suggesting that the OnePlus 6 could be water resistant.
A water company warned customers not to flush exotic pets down the toilet after a worker found a piranha in the sewer.
Knowing more about the chaotic past of water on Earth could help astronomers find exoplanets that may have necessary conditions to host life.
Even though water covers almost three-fourths of the Earth’s surface, there are many regions that are severely deprived of it.
The presence of water on the moon, as well as its accessibility, has ramifications for any future lunar bases that are being planned.
People were advised to bring drinking water to a boil before consuming it as a precaution against any bacteria that might have found its way into the water, due to the drop in pressure.
An 18-month-old girl in Minnesota suffers from aquagenic urticaria, an allergic reaction to water.
The upgraded Apple AirPods could arrive as soon as this year with a new wireless chip and hands-free "Hey, Siri" functionality.
People may continue buying bottled water despite the environmental impact because of a subconscious fear of dying.
Many moons and planets in our solar system have ice, some of it water ice, on them.
Scientists say a type of meteorite from early in the solar system holds evidence that water was on Earth very early on.
There could be underground caves on the moon that would provide shelter for astronauts and lead them deep down to buried lunar water.
NASA found a bunch of brown dwarfs in the Orion nebula with water in their atmospheres.
Mars may have only been warm and wet early in its history, which could mean it has been a wasteland devoid of alien life for billions of years.
Rivers and streams across the continent, including the United States, are also turning more alkaline, and both facts together could potentially lead to another situation like the Flint water crisis.
Scientists believe changing our ways is the only solution to the low oxygen problem in our oceans, which is killing marine life at a large scale.
It’s Saturday morning. As you begin to wake up, you feel disoriented, your mouth is dry, and a headache pounds at your skull. Slightly nauseated, a bit hungry, and very tired, you begin to realize the unwanted effects of a heavy night of drinking.
The trend first emerged online in 2014, but it managed to resurface again this holiday season.
How much water does it take to kill a person? To be honest, not all that much. Paracelsus, the 16th century scientist known largely for establishing the role of chemistry in medicine came up with the concept that everything can be poisonous, or not, depending on the dose
As another December comes around, the season to be jolly is well and truly here. For many of us, our diaries are filling up with office parties, family reunions, and overdue catch-ups with friends — our bellies are also filling up with mulled wine and eggnog.
There are two types of poopers in this world: Type A has their pooping down to a science. They go every day at the same time and usually (if they can help it) in the same toilet. Then there's Type B. This group heeds nature's calls less frequently with no real ritual to its toilet habits. So, which of these two is the healthier option? Both.