Where To Watch Secret Service Prostitute Scandal Hearing [VIDEO]

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is now facing questions from the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary regarding the Secret Service prostitution scandal, which overshadowed President Barack Obama's visit to Cartagena, Colombia, for the Summit of the Americas.

Mitt Romney Hones In On November Election As Fashion Folk Give Their Support

Mitt Romney 2012
The fashion industry is not necessarily known as the most conservative bunch. In fact, many of today's top designers have publicly flaunted their love of President Barack Obama, including Vogue Editor-In-Chief Anna Wintour, Rachel Roy and Vera Wang. But GOP nominee Mitt Romney has scored some weighty fashion support as he moves inches away from clasping the official 2012 nomination.
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Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney Sweeps Five Northeast Primaries

Mitt Romney won the Rhode Island, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New York primaries by significant margins Tuesday night. It's still about the economy ... and we're not stupid, he said in New Hampshire.
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Calderon presses for U.S. answer on Pacific trade pact

Mexican President Felipe Calderon on Tuesday gave an impassioned defense of free trade as Mexico waits for the United States and others to decide whether it will be allowed to join talks on a trade pact in the Asia-Pacific region.
John Boehner

Republicans Have 1 In 3 Chance Of Losing House: Boehner

Speaker of the House John Boehner said there is a significant possibility Republicans could lose control of the House in 2012, a surprisingly stark assessment of the party's position two years after it swept into power.
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12th U.S. Serviceman Linked To Colombia Prostitute Scandal

A 12th U.S. military service member was linked to a prostitution scandal in Colombia Monday and the Pentagon suspended the security clearance of personnel implicated in the events ahead of President Barack Obama's visit earlier this month.
Sudan Army

Sudanese Air Raid Called Act Of War By South

Sudanese war planes bombed a market in the capital of South Sudan's oil-producing Unity State Monday, residents and officials said, an attack the southern army called a declaration of war.

War Looms As Sudan Rejects Peace Talks With South

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir said Monday he refused to enter into peace negotiations with South Sudan as the North conducted a series of air strikes against southern targets along the oil-rich border region, which has been the site of ongoing skirmishes.
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Obama to cite new technologies in rights abuses: report

President Barack Obama will issue an order on Monday to allow imposition of sanctions on foreign nationals who use new technologies such as cell-phone tracking and Internet monitoring to help carry out human rights abuses, The Washington Post reported on Monday.


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