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House Committee Votes To Defund Key Part Of Dodd-Frank

Republicans in the House of Representatives on Wednesday advanced a proposal to repeal a major section of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial oversight law as part of a broader deficit reduction effort, a move Democrats derided as a misguided budget gimmick.
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Iran  Ali Akbar Salehi

Iran: The West Cannot Force Us To Surrender

Iran said that the nuclear negotiations have proved that Western countries are unable to force Iran to surrender and give up its absolute and legitimate rights to use peaceful nuclear energy.
Seamus, Mitt Romney's Former Family Dog

War On Dogs: Obama Ate Dog Meat Once

It's fair to say the 2012 presidential election can be a dog-eat-dog world sometimes. A new development in the Twitter universe of he-said-she-said political discourse has taken that to a whole new level.
Boehner and McConnell Endorse Mitt Romney: Will Gingrich Take the Hint?

Boehner and McConnell Endorse Mitt Romney: Will Gingrich Take the Hint?

Back in October, the Speaker said he wouldn't support anyone in the race until the general election, in order to give each of the candidates a fair shot. The country is still months away from the convention, but Boehner's endorsement unofficially seals the deal: the Republican establishment wants Romney to be the nominee.


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