
Obama Gun Control: No Record Regarding NRA, But Romney Attacks

Mitt Romney has attacked President Barack Obama's record on gun control during a speech to the National Rifle Association, echoing dire warnings issued by NRA president Wayne LaPierre. But the president's record offers scant evidence to support such ominous rhetoric.

President Launches Natural Gas Task Force

A Texas natural Gas Rig in Eagle Ford Shale
President Barack Obama announced Friday the creation of a new federal inter-agency group charged with ensuring the nation's natural gas resources are developed safely.
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Obama's No.1 Fan

President Obama’s No 1 Fan From Columbia Builds Another White House [PHOTOS]

US President Barack Obama may have many fans. However, without doubt, his biggest fan is from Columbia. Silvio Carrasquilla, an Afro-Colombian and former mayor of the northern town of Turbaco, has converted his home into the White House with the hope of inviting Obama when he attends a summit in nearby Cartagena this weekend. And guess what? This diehard fan also has planned a surprise gift for the President.
Hilary Rosen: 5 Dumb Things Said By Democrats

Hilary Rosen: 5 Gaffes From Democrats

Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen issued an apology to Ann Romney for saying Romney never worked a day in her life, a comment that drew sharp criticism from both sides of the aisle. Hilary Rosen is hardly the first Democrat to get into trouble for saying the wrong thing. Here are five Democrats who have committed some idiotic gaffes.
Hilary Rosen

Hilary Rosen: 7 Things To Know About Pundit Who Criticized Ann Romney

When Hilary Rosen appeared on CNN on Wednesday to talk about the war on women, she said that Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life. Those words from the Democratic strategist immediately set off a reaction from Ann Romney, wife of GOP presidnetial candidate, Mitt Romney, who took to Twitter for the first time to note that raising her five boys was hard work and that she made the choice to stay home and be a mother.
Jay-Z and Kanye West

President Obama Calls Kanye West A ‘Jackass’…Again, Prefers Jay-Z

It's hard to forget in 2009 when U.S. President Barack Obama called Kanye West a jackass after the rapper interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Music Awards. But just under three years later, Obama still maintains his view that West indeed emanates the qualities of a donkey and much prefers Jay-Z.
File photo of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Receives Court Date

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind behind the September 11th attacks, will be arraigned at the beginning of May at Guantanamo Bay, according to U.S. Pentagon officials. Mohammed, along with four other co-conspirators, will face charges including terrorism, hijacking an aircraft and murder, for their roles in the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in 2001.


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