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US, Afghans Reach Draft On Strategic Pact

Afghanistan and the United States agreed Sunday on a draft of a long-awaited deal that will define the scope and nature of a U.S. presence in the country for up to a decade after the pullout of most NATO combat troops in 2014.

Hatch Forced Into Primary At Utah GOP Convention

Orrin Hatch
Veteran U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah will face a Republican primary fight after delegates to a party convention on Saturday denied him the nomination, forcing him into an election with a Tea Party-backed challenger who finished second.
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U.S. President Barack Obama buys a bone for his dog Bo in Alexandria

Barack Obama, Eater of Dogs

Last week, Mitt Romney got in trouble for talking about riding horses. This week, President Barack Obama is in trouble because he used to eat dog meat.
A patient waits in the hallway for a room to open up in the emergency room at a hospital in Houston, Texas

1 In 4 Americans Without Health Coverage [STUDY]

As the U.S. Supreme Court ponders the fate of healthcare reform in the current election year, a study released on Thursday shows that one in four working-age Americans went without insurance at some point in 2011, often as a result of unemployment and other job changes.
Secret Service Prostitution Scandal

Secret Service Prostitution Scandal: What Charges Could The Military Service Members Face If They Committed Crimes?

The U.S. Secret Service has already let go three of the 11 agents caught up in a prostitution scandal that allegedly took place in Cartagena, Colombia, and the U.S. military continues its investigation into the matter. And while prostitution is legal in Colombia, American military personnel accused of picking up prostitutes ahead of President Obama's visit to Colombia may face prosecution under U.S. military law.
US Congress

In Budget Fight, Obama Warns Republicans Of Government Shutdown

In a move that evokes the grueling partisan battles of last summer as the United States teetered on the brink of default, the White House is warning Republicans of a government shutdown if they reject the debt-reduction deal they made with Democrats.


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