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Billionaire Buffett defends proposed tax rate change

Increasing taxes on the wealthy would bring fairness to U.S. taxpayers across the board, billionaire investor Warren Buffett said on Wednesday, backing the tax reform that President Barack Obama proposed in his State of the Union address.

France and Britain Join Push at U.N. to Oust Assad

Free Syrian Army
Arab League monitors said the withdrawal of colleagues by Gulf Arab states would not hinder their work in Syria while France and Britain Wednesday joined efforts at the United Nations to end President Bashar al-Assad's rule.
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Republican presidential candidates arrive on stage before the Republican presidential candidates debate in Tampa

Ron Paul Can Beat Obama: CNN Poll

Rep. Ron Paul has not won a single primary--but that does not mean he's an unelectable candidate. In fact, Paul has polled higher in a general election matchup against the president than most Republican candidates despite his winless record in the primaries.
2. William Bill Gates

Bill Gates Says Higher Taxes on Wealthy is 'Justice'

The United States has a huge budget deficit, so taxes are going to have to go up. I certainly agree that they should have to go up more on the rich than everyone else. That's just justice, Gates said on Wednesday while discussing President Obama's State of the Union address.
Chinese Bullet Train

High Speed Rail: 5 Things to Know About Proposals To Install it in the U.S.

President Barack Obama is on record as proposing a high-speed rail system that will, within 25 years, serve 80 percent of Americans. And Washington's 2012 budget shows the the president is putting his money -- or at least taxpayer money -- where his mouth is. Here is 5 things to know about the project.
President Obama

State of the Union Address, Or, Rather, the State of Obama's Imagination

If you listened to the president’s State of the Union address Tuesday evening, you may have been confused. The rosy picture he painted of America as a thriving, secure, prosperous, and upwardly mobile nation doesn’t match reality, as you and I know it. In fact, Obama’s reckless deficit spending has taken this country to the edge of financial collapse, leaving us jobless, economically stagnant, lacking in innovation, and weak in our national defenses.
Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann Running for Re-election

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) confirmed on Wednesday that she will seek a fourth term in Congress, ending speculation that she use springboard from an unsuccessful presidential run to a media role.
Obama During 2012 State Of the Union Address

State of the Union: Obama Takes Aim at Congress

With Congressional approval ratings mired at historic lows, Obama has increasingly sought to bolster his re-election chances by criticizing Congress as ineffective and paralyzed by runaway partisanship. He invoked that theme in the State of the Union address.
Iran Crisis

State of the Union Address 2012: Summary of Obama's Speech

President Obama delivered his 2012 State of the Union Address on Tuesday night, making a bid for 2012 reelection. In a sweeping speech, the President touched upon issues like taxes, the economy, manufacturing and keeping the American dream alive. Though the current State of the Union is quite shaky, Obama highlighted the progress being made and attempted to solidify a sturdy campaign base.
Barack Obama

Obama's State of the Union Speech: President Fires Salvo at Romney and Co.

Even before U.S. President Barack Obama made his State of the Union speech on Tuesday, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney released a pre-buttal to his speech, warning the President would use the platform to divide the nation with a biased speech targeting the general elections. As it turned out, Obama did use the platform to deliver a speech aimed at November's general elections and although he never singled out or named his Republican opponents, he did take several jabs at M...
President Obama Speaks at the 2012 State of the Union

State of the Union Speech 2012: Is Obama's Immigration Remark a True Copy of Last Year's Speech?

President Barack Obama dealt with the issue of illegal immigration in detail in his 2012 State of the Union address, but a close scrutiny reveals that several sections in this year's speech bear striking similarity to corresponding parts in the previous year's address. The big question now ... is this the fault of his speechwriter or is it really the case that the Obama administration has been so bogged down with the issue of illegal immigration that it has not moved past its 2010-11 stand...


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