Who Won the 2012 South Carolina Republican Debate? [POLL]

Republican presidential candidate Gingrich speaks as Romney and Paul look on during the Republican presidential candidates debate
The South Carolina primary is on Jan. 21, 2012, and GOP candidates Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich were gunning for every vote during tonight's second debate. Who do you think won this round, and who do you support for the 2012 GOP nomination? Vote here to let us know.

Payday Lenders Plead Case to U.S. Consumer Agency

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Payday lenders gathered an array of supporters at a hearing hosted by the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, trying to sell the new agency on the benefits of the controversial short-term, high-interest loans.
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Iran Warns Region Against Stance on Hormuz

Iran's foreign minister warned Arab neighbors on Thursday not to put themselves in a dangerous position by aligning themselves too closely with the United States in the escalating dispute over Tehran's nuclear activity.
Clinton Denies Snub from Russian FM in Australia

U.S. to Try Again to Hammer out Space Code

The United States will join with Europe and other nations to hammer out a code of conduct for space activities, including how to deal with the growing problem of debris circling Earth, the Obama administration said on Tuesday.
Iran To Return Downed Spy Drone to Obama... As Fake Pink Plastic Toy

Iran To Return Spy Drone to Obama... As Fake Pink Plastic Toy

Rather than sending back the RQ-170 Sentinel drone that crashed into Iran last year, Tehran-based Aaye Art Group says it plans to send President Obama miniature fake versions of the spycraft... and rumor has it the $4 toys are likely to be pink. Though the Iranian government is still insisting that the spy drone was over Iran when it crashed and that Iranian spies brought it down, the U.S. claims the aircraft was in Afghanistan, and suffered a technical malfunction.
Republicans fume as Keystone oil pipeline rejected

Republicans Fume as Keystone Oil Pipeline Rejected

The Obama Administration rejected the Keystone oil pipeline on Wednesday, a move that Republicans decried for sacrificing jobs and energy security in order to shore up the president's environmental base before elections.
Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich

Tax Return Issue Spells Trouble for Romney’s Chances Against Ron Paul, Gingrich

Mitt Romney is finding it hard to wade through the attacks from his Republican rivals over his tax returns. Romney's hesitance to disclose his tax returns and his wealth profile is costing him dearly in the polls. The recent CNN/Times poll shows that his margin with his nearest Republican rival Newt Gingrich has shrunk to 10 points. Romney had enjoyed a 19 point lead in the past week.
Mitt Romney (L) and Ron Paul

Ron Paul 2012: Why is he Better Equipped to Contest Obama?

A recent Times/CBS News poll shows that President Barack Obama is losing support among the block of independent American voters. This should be a serious issue of concern for the President, as it is this stratum of voters who helped him to win the White House in 2008 elections.Now the question is who is going to benefit from this development? A quick glance at the poll trend would immediately point to Republican front runner Mitt Romney as the immediate beneficiary. The poll shows a statis....
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House Rejects Debt Limit Hike in Protest Vote

The House of Representatives rejected a $1.2 trillion increase in the federal debt limit on Wednesday in a largely symbolic vote that allowed Republicans to stake out election-year positions to bash President Barack Obama's spending record.
IMF head Christine Lagarde gestures during a news conference at the G20 meeting at the ministry in Paris

IMF Seeks More Funds for Europe Rescue; U.S. Wary

The International Monetary Fund is seeking to more than double its war chest by raising $600 billion in new resources to help countries deal with the fallout of the euro zone debt crisis, but the United States and other countries are throwing up roadblocks.
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IMF Seeks More Funds for Europe

The International Monetary Fund is seeking to more than double its war chest by raising $600 billion in new resources to help countries deal with the fallout of the euro zone debt crisis, but the United States and other countries are throwing up roadblocks.
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IMF seeks more funds

The International Monetary Fund is seeking to more than double its war chest by raising $600 billion in new resources to help countries deal with the fallout of the euro zone debt crisis, but the United States and other countries are throwing up roadblocks.
2012 Election

For Republican Candidates, Foreign Policy Has Been a Minefield

Texas Gov. Rick Perry's comment that Turkey is ruled by Islamic terrorists is the latest gaffe by Republican White House hopefuls: foreign policy has been a minefield for these candidates vying to oppose President Barack Obama in the 2012 election.
U.S. Health Care Reform Act

Why Are Obama’s Supporters So Dumb?

Let me start by apologizing for the title of this column. It's crass, uncharitable, maybe even a bit misleading. But, in my defense, let me explain that I got the idea from Newsweek, which we all know is a highly respectable magazine.


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