Mitt Romney May Not Release Tax Returns Until April

Mitt Romney
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, under increasing pressure to release his tax returns now, continued to resist that timetable on Tuesday and said he probably would not make them public until April.

Nancy Pelosi: GOP Knows Romney Can't Beat Obama

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The House Minority Leaders claimed even his own party doesn't believe Mitt Romney can win in November 2012, which is why support for him has been so half-hearted. But Pelosi had even less regard for his fellow candidates, who she called third tier representatives that show the Party's disconnect from what Pelosi asserts are the true carriers of the American Dream: the Democrats.
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FDIC releases bank stress test proposal

Bank regulators on Tuesday voted to release a proposal for how banks with more than $10 billion in assets should conduct stress tests annually to determine whether they can withstand a financial shock.
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U.S. Supreme Court

Obama and the Courts, by the Numbers

A new report from Brookings Institute shows President Barack Obama faces more federal judicial vacancies than he can keep up with and a longer confirmation process for his choices.

Iran Doesn’t Deserve Any More Chances

Let's from the get-go point out the obvious: Iran does not, even in the slightest, have any intention of quitting its attempts to acquire nuclear weapons. And why should they? No one is stopping them.

Huntsman Backs Romney: A Complex History [VIDEOS]

Huntsman and Romney go way back. Both are Mormons, both have Utah roots, both are former governors and both are social moderates, so the two have been unavoidably compared to each other over the years. The endorsement, however, is yet another addition to a long and complicated history
MLK Day 2012

Nation Honors Martin Luther King Jr. at Services

The nation celebrated the legacy of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday; President Barack Obama spoke at the King Memorial on Sunday, after attending services at Zion Baptist Church with the First Family.
Ron Paul 2012

Ron Paul Picks up Crucial Endorsement in South Carolina

Senator Tom Davis endorsed Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul at a campaign event in Myrtle Beach on Sunday night. Tom Davis, a South Carolina law maker and a Tea Party favorite, said he decided to endorse Paul because he was the only fiscal conservative Republican candidate with a commitment to American constitution.
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Huntsman to Quit Presidential Race, Endorse Romney

Jon Huntsman will drop out of the Republican presidential race and will endorse frontrunner Mitt Romney, according to his campaign sources. He has informed his campaign advisers that he is quitting and is expected to make the announcement on Monday during a speech at Myrtle beach, South Carolina.
A money changer holds Iranian rial banknotes as he waits for customers in Tehran's business district January 7, 2012.

U.S. Sanctions Hamper Iranian Bid to Recover $1.75 Billion

Iran's effort to recover some $1.75 billion frozen in a U.S. bank faces a new obstacle due to a law President Barack Obama signed last month, potentially further squeezing Tehran's economy and exacerbating tensions between the two countries.


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