Anti-Romney video's trailer ignites a buzz

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Hollywood movie producers would kill for the kind of buzz that surrounds the barely seen video that could be the next bombshell in the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.
Residents cast their ballots at a polling station in Alexandria

GOP Voters Wish They Had Better 2012 Options

Republican voters have been morose about their electoral options in 2012, and their mood is not improving going into New Hampshire's primary on Tuesday, according to the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
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2012 Election

Christie Responds to Female Hecklers with Offensive Sex Joke at Romney Rally

While directing a sexually-charged statement toward female audience members is something the Republican Party -- or any political party -- may logically want to stay away from in an election year, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's Sunday appearance at a Romney for President rally suggests he's not an expert yet regarding the constructive way to address hecklers.

Immigration Reform: Eyeing Election, Obama Acts Without Congress

Obama has recast himself in preparation for the 2012 election, pivoting from compromiser-in-chief to a more aggressive posture of denouncing Republican obstructionism and enacting measures that do not require Congress' consent. That tactic has extended to immigration policy, with Obama presiding over a series of administrative changes to how immigration laws are enforced.
Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich

Mitt Romney 2012: Lying is Not a Welcome Virtue for Presidential Candidates

Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney, in all probability, will lose the electability edge he has over his Republican rivals if he doesn't learn to get his stories right. His latest blunder - getting caught lying by his rivals - is the last thing that should happen to any electable candidate.
Delonte West

Dallas Mavericks’ Delonte West Not Going to White House

Delonte West, a Dallas Mavericks player, will be the only one of his team to stay back when they make their highly-anticipated visit to the White House, to meet President Barack Obama. In his own words, West has been banned from going to the White House owing to a past that has criminal records.

Iran Moving Nuclear Work to Deep Mountain Bunker

Iran will in the near future start enriching uranium deep inside a mountain, a senior official said Sunday, a move likely to further antagonize Western powers that suspect it is seeking nuclear weapons capability.
Republican presidential candidates (L-R) former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) listens as former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney speaks during the Republican presidential candidates debate in Concord, New Hampshire, January 8, 2012.

Rivals Get Another Crack at Romney in Sunday Debate

Republican presidential candidates stepped up their attacks on rival Mitt Romney in a televised debate on Sunday morning -- a mere two days before primary-election voters in New Hampshire head to the polls -- and the front-runner mostly weathered the attacks.
2012 Election

New Hampshire Debate: GOP Field Goes Easy on Front-Runner Romney

The Republican debate on Saturday was not intended to give the impression that Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Jon Huntsman, and Rick Perry were reluctant to challenge Mitt Romney -- the presumptive nominee to oppose Democratic President Barack Obama next fall -- but the event certainly had that feel.
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World Bank to recommend China financial reforms

The World Bank will recommend reforms to China's domestic financial system as part of broader proposals to help wean the country from a dependence on exports to sustain economic growth, World Bank President Robert Zoellick said on Saturday.
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McCain Endorses Obama, Forgets Romney -- See Oops Moment (VIDEO)

John McCain was going strong, making his endorsement for president 2012 at a Republican rally for Republican candidate Mitt Romney in South Carolina. It's just that as you can see from the video below, McCain endorses Obama -- the current Democratic President -- instead of Romney, the Republican hopeful.
Ron Paul Jesse Thorsen

Ron Paul 2012: Will He Benefit from U.S. Veterans' Support?

When U.S. Army Cpl. Jesse Thorsen delivered a speech at Ron Paul's caucus night rally in Iowa on Tuesday, he never expected to become a pseudo-symbol. By the time he finished speaking, the 28-year-old would come to embody a breed of supporter seemingly unique to the Ron Paul universe: The War-Weary Veteran.
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Iran denies central bank resignation rumor

A senior Central Bank of Iran official has denied rumors that the bank's governor has resigned, the ISNA news agency reported Saturday, in a week when the currency hit a record low amid rising inflation and concerns about tighter economic sanctions.
Rick Perry

Why Perry is Still in the Race

Rick Perry's team essentially calculated that Rick Santorum, who emerged in Iowa as the leading conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, isn't a strong enough candidate to hold that position in future contests.
U.S. President Obama puts hand on shoulder of Cordray during trip to Cleveland

Republicans Seek Legal Ruling on Obama Recess Appointments

Congressional Republicans Friday asked the Justice Department to weigh in on the controversial recess appointments President Barack Obama made to install appointees to politically sensitive jobs overseeing consumer lending and the labor force.
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U.S. Immigration Shift to Shorten Family Separation

The government announced Friday it will reduce the time that U.S. citizens are separated from spouses and children who have been in the country illegally and are forced to leave for as long as 10 years while their visa requests are processed.


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