Obama Plan will Cut Tens of Thousands of Ground Troops

Military helicopters
The Obama administration will unveil a more realistic vision for the military Thursday, with plans to cut tens of thousands of ground troops and invest more in air and sea power at a time of fiscal restraint, officials familiar with the plans said Wednesday.
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Iran Ramps Up Gulf Tension, Global Economies on Alert

EU Agrees to Iran Oil Embargo; Joins U.S. Sanctions

The EU governments in the 27-nation bloc agreed on the Iranian oil embargo, but now need to plan a timetable for implementing the move. France has suggested a date for beginning the embargo is set at a scheduled Jan. 30 meeting of the EU foreign ministers.
Michele Bachmann

Bachmann Quits Race, Endorses No One

A day after her sixth-place finish in Iowa, Rep. Michele Bachmann ended her presidential campaign Wednesday and called on supporters to rally behind the Republican Party's eventual choice.
Obama Instagram

Obamagram! POTUS Joins Instagram

An App of the Year doesn't deserve the title until POTUS joins the fray. President Barack Obama, arguably the first Technophile in Chief, joined picture sharing social network Instagram the night of the Iowa Caucuses. The move signals Obama's continued reliance on social media to connect with younger voters who were integral in his 2008 electoral victory.
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Geithner to discuss Iran in China, Japan visit

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will travel to China and Japan next week to discuss U.S. sanctions on Iran and the state of the global economy with top government officials, the Treasury Department said on Wednesday.
John McCain to Endorse Mitt Romney , Hates Rick Santorum

John McCain to Endorse Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, Hates Rick Santorum

Arizona Senator John McCain is expected to endorse Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, a sign both of his faith in the GOP frontrunner and his distaste for new rival Rick Santorum. As Santorum's near-win in Iowa makes the Republican primary result uncertain, Santorum's clashes with McCain seem to have pushed the senator to back his one-time rival.
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Government Denies Teleporting Obama to Mars

Obama's true secret was revealed on Wednesday - that he is a space travelling chrononaut who worked with the head of DARPA to teleport to Mars on several occasions when he was 19-years old.
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Treasury's Geithner to travel to China, Japan

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will travel to China and Japan next week to discuss U.S. sanctions on Iran and the state of the global economy with top government officials, the Treasury Department said on Wednesday.

Iowa Caucus Results: Historically Uneven Record of Predicting Nominee

Underlying Tuesday's results is the question of whether the Iowa caucuses are in fact reliable indicators of who will emerge as the eventual nominee. A look back at the last few Iowa caucuses shows that while an Iowa victory can rally support for a candidate or help shape the media narrative, it is by no means definitive.
Iowa Caucus Results 2012

Iowa Caucus Results 2012: Where the Candidates Stand After Romney's Win

Mitt Romney squeaked by Rick Santorum by only eight votes to secure a win at the 2012 Iowa caucus, with Ron Paul finishing at a close third. But as the dust settles and the votes are confirmed, what do the results mean for the GOP nomination? Here's a rundown of the Republican candidates' numbers and their chances at the nomination post-Iowa.


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