Hamas Plan to Join PLO Has Implications for U.S. Aid, Peace Talks

Khaled Mashaal
Washington's ability to mediate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict became more complicated Thursday after the militant Palestinian group Hamas announced plans to join the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), furthering its reconciliation with rival Palestinian faction Fatah.
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John Boehner

Lawmakers Strike Payroll Tax Deal

House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Thursday caved in to a growing chorus of criticism from both within and outside his Republican party and agreed to a short-term deal to extend a payroll tax cut for 160 million Americans.
U.S. Payroll Tax Reduction Extention

McConnell Asks House to Pass Payroll Tax Bill While Deal Is Ironed Out

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ken., finally broke his silence and suggested the House pass the extension of the payroll tax cut, which has been languishing on Capitol Hill since the Senate approved it on Saturday, while Senate Democrats contribute to a conference committee aimed at ironing out a long term deal.
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Ron Paul 2012: the Real Anti-Obama Candidate

Ron Paul's 2012 run represents the best anti-Obama hope America has. Paul and Mitt Romney polled the best against President Barack Obama in a recent CNN / ORC poll. Paul polled best against Obama in an earlier NBC News / Marist Poll.
Occupy Wall Street

2011 In Review: Occupy Wall Street Timeline

Occupy Wall Street registers as one of the biggest surprises of 2011. Despite constant criticisms that it lacked a concrete set of goals or demands, Occupy Wall Street's broad critique of economic injustice resonated with a country still grappling with the fallout from the financial crisis. A timeline of the movement.
Newt Gingrich

Why The Democrats May Prefer Gingrich over Romney as Obama’s Presidential Rival

There are only ten days left for Iowa - the first GOP caucus state to go to polls - and there are still no signs of a clear Republican frontrunner. Furthermore, given an erratic approval graph, the best chance for President Obama and his hopes of a re-election will have to be a weak Republican candidate. Keeping that in mind, the Democrats and Obama will be happy to face former U.S. Speaker Newt Gingrich rather than the former Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney.
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Democrats seek victory in payroll tax cut fight

With House of Representatives Republicans under attack from friends and foes, Democrats held out for victory in a fight over extending a payroll tax cut for millions of workers that is set to expire at year's end.
President Barack Obama needs several factors to break his way to improve his chance for re-election in 2012 -- the most important of which is U.S. job growth.

Obama Dials Up Boehner, Calls for Payroll Tax Cut Deal

President Barack Obama tried to budge a Congress currently deadlocked over how to bridge a divide between Senate and House plans for extending the payroll tax cut, with both sides seemingly stubborn in ceding middle ground.
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Canadian banks eye Cuban presence as tensions ease

Bank of Nova Scotia has applied to re-establish a presence in Cuba and a report says rival Royal Bank of Canada is considering a similar move in the wake of Cuban reforms and a thawing of the country's icy relationship with the United States.
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Unemployment Extension 2012 not yet Passed: Who to Blame?

The unemployment extension for 2012 has not passed yet. Some politicians in Washington still call for lawmakers to work out a solution before Jan. 1, 2012. Many critics and unemployment benefits recipients, however, fear no deal will be made by then.
U.S. Public Opinion

Americans Fear Big Government, Not Big Business: Poll

A near-record high rate of Americans is concerned about the threat of big government, according to a recent Gallup Poll, trumping worries over big business and big labor. While not a specific political barometer, the results offer a good temperature reading of the nation's mood -- and it could spell trouble for Democrats in 2012.


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