Newt Gingrich

Has Newt Gingrich Got Lucky, or is he a Clever Campaigner?

Newt Gingrich, the Republican front runner for 2012 U.S. presidential election, is indeed emerging as a colorful personality. After initial campaign setbacks he faced due to his personal history, Gingrich surged to the top of the contenders’ list. But his emergence as a serious contender also raises interesting questions.

Gingrich Fights Off Rivals in Iowa Debate

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich answers questions as former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney listens at the first New Hampshire debate of the 2012 campaign in Manchester, New Hampshire
Surging front-runner Newt Gingrich fought off heavy attacks in a presidential debate in Iowa on Saturday from Republican rivals who portrayed him as a Washington insider and questioned his judgment.
Mitch McConnell speaks to the press following more debt reduction talks on Capitol Hill in Washington

McConnell Expects Bipartisan Deal on Tax Cut

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell predicted on Sunday that Congress will renew a popular payroll tax cut, but it remained unclear how lawmakers will resolve deep differences before the Dec. 31 deadline.
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President Obama

Obama Hits Republicans, Wall Street in Populist Speech

President Barack Obama blasted his Republican foes and Wall Street on Tuesday as he portrayed himself as a champion of the middle class and laid out in the starkest terms yet the populist themes of his 2012 re-election bid.
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U.S., Russia work to expand cyberspace cooperation

Russia and the United States are planning a regular exchange on technical threats that appear to come from computers in each other's territories, a White House spokeswoman said on Friday, even as bilateral ties have come under growing strains.
Rick Perry

Rick Perry Ad Goes Viral (VIDEO)

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian, but you don't need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school, Perry says in the ad.
Rick Perry

Rick Perry's 'Strong' Ad and Gay Rights: Viral Video Could Foreshadow 2012 Wedge Issue

At one point, the cowboy-boot wearing huckster from the Lone Star State was the darling of the GOP's right, before shoddy debate performances and a goofy stump speech in New Hampshire sent his poll numbers plummeting. Now Perry has adopted a hyper-Christian posture in a last ditch effort at garnering support from Iowa's Evangelical base of Republican voters.
Speaker of the House John Boehner applauds as President Barack Obama addresses a joint session of Congress about jobs creation.

Payroll Tax Cut: House Republicans Present Counter Legislation

House Republicans have proposed a bill extending the payroll tax cut that includes a provision to push through the controversial Keystone XL pipeline and reform several social safety net programs, openly defying a veto threat by President Barack Obama.
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Pakistani General Calls NATO Attack Deliberate

A senior Pakistani military officer said a NATO air strike that killed 24 Pakistani troops on the border with Afghanistan last month was pre-planned, newspapers reported Friday, comments likely to fuel tension with the United States.
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Virginia Tech shooting: Two dead

A gunman killed a police officer and another person on Thursday at Virginia Tech University, the site of one of the worst shooting rampages in U.S. history, school officials said.


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