U.S. President Barack Obama is pictured alongside a tax law count down clock in the White House Briefing Room

Obama Ready for Showdown, Demands House Extend Tax Cut

President Barack Obama demanded Tuesday that House Republicans pass a short-term extension of a payroll tax cut, showing an unwillingness to back down in a fight that could result in higher taxes for 160 million Americans.
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Rick Perry

Iowa Teen Confronts Rick Perry on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

A high school student confronted Rick Perry at a campaign stop in Decorah, Iowa, about his support for the military's former don't ask, don't tell policy, making Perry the latest Republican candidate to be challenged by a child on a gay-rights issue.
Jules Manson's Racist Rant

Ron Paul Supporter on Obama: Assassinate N****r and Monkey Children

Politician Jules Manson, a former city council candidate and rabid Ron Paul supporter, posted an extremely racist tirade against President Obama following the signing of the NDAA, calling him a monkey and urging the n***r's assassination. Manson's tirade prompts a look at Paul's past associations with white supremacy groups, but those who call Paul racist go too far.
Ron Paul

Ron Paul 2012: A Remarkable Rise to First Place in Iowa

Ron Paul has overtaken both Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney in the latest poll ahead of the Iowa caucuses, which will be held on Jan. 3. The poll showcases a remarkable rise by Paul, who has exemplified a slow and steady growth campaign model.
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Analysis: China's severe export outlook

China could record a rare trade deficit next year, which would test both Beijing's resolve to go slowly on policy easing and its trading partners' ability to adapt.
Kim Jong-il

Kim Jong-il Dies: Global Reaction

The death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il from a heart attack over the weekend has prompted an avalanche of reaction from around the globe.
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Why NDAA 2012 is Against the Spirit of U.S Human Rights?

President Barack Obama's backtracking from his earlier stand to veto the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has put Americans under the risk of losing their human rights. The Senate and Congress have already passed the bill and Obama now seems ready to sign a piece of legislature that could become a draconian piece of legislature making U.S. citizens vulnerable to legal abuse.
U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio

Boehner Puts Deal on Payroll Tax Cut in Doubt Again

A tax break for 160 million American workers was in doubt Monday in the face of strong opposition from Republicans in the House of Representatives who have rejected a two-month extension overwhelmingly approved by the Senate over the weekend.
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney

Romney Still Getting Millions from Bain Capital: Report

Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney receives millions of dollars a year in a retirement agreement with Bain Capital, nearly 13 years after he left the private equity firm he helped start, the New York Times reported Monday.
Newt Gingrich

Gingrich: Arrest Judges who Defy President

Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich threatened Sunday to have federal judges arrested if they disagreed with his policies as president, ratcheting up his attacks on the judiciary as he tries to halt a slide in his campaign.
U.S. Congress

House Republican Opposition Puts Payroll Tax Cut Deal in Doubt

One day after saying he favored the payroll tax reduction extension agreement approved by the U.S. Senate, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he and his caucus will oppose the tax reduction deal. Boehner said House Republicans now want additional budget reductions to finance the extension agreement.
A prison cell along cell block "B" is shown at Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay in San Francisco, California

NDAA and SOPA Bills Aim to Quash Dissent

The real purpose of the SOPA and NDAA bills is to target Occupy Wall Street, Anonymous and other web-based movements that have fueled revolutionaries both here and abroad.
House Speaker Boehner Endorses Mitt Romney

House Republicans Oppose Senate Payroll Tax Bill

The fate of an expiring tax break for 160 million American workers was in doubt on Sunday after the top Republican lawmaker declared his opposition to a two-month extension passed overwhelmingly by the Senate.


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