U.S. Congress

U.S. Senate OKs Payroll-Tax Cut, $915B Spending Bill

The U.S. Senate OK'd on Saturday a $1 trillion bill to fund the government and a two-month extension of the payroll-tax cut, capping a contentious political year while preparing the arena for a fresh battle in 2012.
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Keystone pipe outlook no rosier after Senate vote

Senate Republicans claimed victory on Saturday for a bill that may force President Barack Obama to make a speedier decision on a Canada to Texas oil pipeline, but a White House official indicated quick approval of the project is not likely.
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A patient waits in the hallway for a room to open up in the emergency room at a hospital in Houston, Texas

States to weigh in on basic health coverage

U.S. health officials will allow states to select the basic set of medical benefits that must be offered by insurance plans participating in new exchanges mandated by the federal healthcare overhaul, the U.S. government said on Friday.
Etta James

Etta James is Terminally Ill: 'At Last' Singer in Final Stages of Leukemia

As longtime manager Lupe De Leon confirms that the legendary blues and R&B singer is dying of leukemia, Etta James' live-in doctor is asking fans to pray for her, saying her cancer is now incurable. James, best known for instant classics like love song At Last, released a final album, The Dreamer, only two and half years ago.
The U.S. Capitol dome and U.S. Senate in Washington

Government Shutdown Averted, Congress Focuses on Payroll Tax Cut

After Congressional negotiators signed off Thursday night on a $1 trillion omnibus spending bill that would avert a shutdown and fund the federal government through September, lawmakers' focus returned to the ongoing negotiations over the extension of the payroll tax cut.

NDAA and SOPA: A Compilation of the Best Coverage of These Critical Bills

The professional commentary and coverage of the National Defense Authorization Act (aka NDAA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (aka SOPA) has been coming hard and fast even since before President Barack Obama signaled he would not veto the NDAA. Much of the old-guard media has done appallingly little on the topic, so the blogosphere and web-based columnists are picking up the slack and churning out the most compelling content on these issues.
Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich

Pressed in Debate, Newt Gingrich Compares Himself to Ronald Reagan

The Republican frontrunner in the run up to the U.S. Presidential elections, Newt Gingrich, had to face considerable criticism from his rivals, in the final GOP debate of the year and before the Iowa caucus on Jan. 3. Gingrich, throughout the debate, fought back allegations levied against him and compared himself to former Republican President, Ronald Reagan.
Canada's Minister of Natural Resources Oliver poses for a portrait in Toronto

TransCanada bets expansion plan will help Keystone

Buoyed by renewed pledges of customer support, TransCanada Corp said on Thursday it not only wants to proceed with its stalled Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL oil pipeline but to undertake a $600 million expansion and extension.
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Herman Cain: 999 Man Wants to Be Secretary of Defense (VIDEO)

Cain then fell from the polls and bowed out of the race. But he's told Barbara Walters in an interview that aired Wednesday night as one of the 10 Most Fascinating People of the year that if given the opportunity for a cabinet position, he would choose this one -- Secretary of Defense.
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Ron Paul 2012: Why His Campaign Strategy is Just Right

Republican U.S presidential contender Ron Paul is in real trouble if the new national poll by NBC/Wall Street Journal is any indicator to go by. But does it really look that bad? The answer has to be 'No' if we analyze certain key factors that determine the poll results as well as the campaign strategy of the other leading Republican presidential candidates.
Poverty in U.S.

Government Shutdown Threat, One of Two Americans in Poverty: This is What We've Come To?

Something has to change. Consider only that a government shutdown threat is with us again. Seems we can't have a good old-fashioned budget battle in Washington these days without the threat of government shutdown. As President Barack Obama and Congress battle over an extension of the payroll tax cut which expires at the end of this year, Congress must pass a temporary spending measure before the U.S. government runs out of money at midnight on Friday.
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Did #NDAA Already Take Down Twitter?

That's sure to be the rumor once (if?) the ubiquitous website goes back online after going down shortly after 5 p.m. Wednesday amid news that the Obama administration will not be vetoing the bill.
Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum Compares Obama Administration to Fascist Italy

Rick Santorum, the former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania who has been hanging out with Jon Huntsman at the bottom of the Republican pack, said in Waterloo, Iowa, on Tuesday that the United States was not so gradually beginning to resemble fascist Italy.


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