US Aircraft Carrier near Strait of Hormuz

Strait of Hormuz, Iran Threat Looms Large Into 2012 for U.S., World

As America begins to put its military pieces back together again after the end to a nine-year campaign in Iraq amid threats from Iran that it may close the Strait of Hormuz, the most vital corridor for oil-tanker traffic in the world, the reality is that another conflict may be looming in the Middle East.

Reddit and Paul Ryan: Could A Model for 2012 Upstarts Emerge In Rob Zerban?

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For arguably the first time, the new dynamic of online advocacy has stepped into the political realm, targeting Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and his 2012 re-election bid. And an emboldened online community seems deadset on using the blunt force of an Election Day loss to change the Congressman's mind on key legislation.

Treasury to charge banks for risk monitoring

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The U.S. Treasury Department plans to start charging large banks a fee to cover the costs of the financial risk council it leads and a research office tasked with measuring threats to financial markets.
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Egyptian Uprising

Happy New Year 2012: Top 10 Event Photos of 2011

It surely has been an eventful year with popular uprisings, dictators being deposed or slain, royal marriages, celebrity divorces, and thrilling sports achievements, so here's a look at some of the top moments of 2011 as compiled by the IBTimes.
Michele Bachmann

Bachmann's Iowa Chairman Quits, Endorses Paul

Republican candidate Michele Bachmann's Iowa campaign chairman resigned Wednesday and endorsed rival Ron Paul, six days before Iowa voters begin the nomination process to select the 2012 Republican presidential nominee.
U.S. President Barack Obama

Obama in 2011: Top Five Achievements

In a year filled with partisan strife, economic calamities and foreign policy conundrums, picking President Barack Obama's biggest achievements feels darned near impossible. But whittle away lowlights and a rather substantive list remains.
Google CEO Schmidt

Oh No They Didn't! Top 10 CEO Snafus of 2011

They can make in a month what the average worker earns in a lifetime. Many go about in private jets, employ multiple secretaries and glad-hand dignitaries and world leaders. Perched at the top of major corporations around the world, the chief executive officer blazes trails, inspires awe and commands attention. But under such immense scrutiny, when the CEO slips, the rest of the world takes notice.
Vladimir Putin

5 Most Important People for 2012

Who will be the five people to shape 2012? It could be anyone on list, or it could be none of them. Such is the state of geopolitics at this important moment in history.
U.S. Federal Reserve

Obama Taps Economist and Banker as Fed Governors

President Barack Obama will nominate Harvard economist Jeremy Stein and Jerome Powell, an investment banker and former Treasury official, to the two empty seats on the Federal Reserve's policy-setting board of governors.
U.S. Federal Reserve

Obama Taps Stein, Powell for Fed Board of Governors

President Barack Obama will nominate Harvard economist Jeremy Stein and Jerome Powell, an investment banker and former Treasury official, to the two empty seats on the Federal Reserve's policy-setting board of governors.
U.S. President Barack Obama

Obama Approval Rating Surges: Gallup

In the latest survey, 47 percent of America approve how Obama is doing his job. The results are the highest for Obama, the Democratic president seeking a second term, since July of this year. Also, it's a five percent improvement since the last Gallup survey, taken Dec. 16-18.
U.S. National Debt

Obama to Ask for $1.2 Trillion Debt Ceiling Increase

The Obama administration plans to seek an increase in the nation's borrowing power, less than half a year after a debt ceiling debate cost the U.S. its stellar credit rating and brought government to a dead halt.
Gingrich and Perry Out of Virginia Primary

Gingrich Off Virginia GOP Primary Ballot: Is His Campaign Already Over?

Both Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich have been ousted from the primary after failing to collect enough valid signatures to run, and while Perry's campaign has been over for months, the loss of Super Tuesday state Virginia for Gingrich is a devastating blow. Months after he was declared dead-on-arrival, is Gingrich's comeback already over?
U.S. Presidents - Ranking the Presidents

From Washington To Obama, Judging Presidential Greatness

After 44 presidents and well over two centuries, Americans have spent a great deal of time ranking their current and former leaders. Names like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln naturally rise to the top after benefiting from the kindness of history and a sense of mammoth achievement. But what of the last eight decades or so?
Republicans fume as Keystone oil pipeline rejected

Obama has options to delay Keystone pipeline

President Barack Obama has options to kill or delay the Canada-to-Texas oil sands pipeline despite language in the payroll tax bill that forces him to make a decision on a permit by late February.
2011 Year in Review

2011 Year in Review: Top 5 Topics in U.S. Politics

The year began with a shooting in Tucson, Ariz., that left six people dead and 14, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, injured, and it ended with the last troops coming home from Iraq. It began with Congress deadlocked over spending and taxes and ended with Congress, well, deadlocked over spending and taxes.


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