Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich: Is He Too Old to Be President?

Newt Gingrich has risen like the proverbial phoenix from the ashes to become a front-runner for the 2012 Republican Party nomination for president. But is he too old to serve in the most demanding, elected office in the world?

White House Says No Veto of Defense Bill Expected

U.S. Department of Defense
The U.S. Congress sought to avoid a showdown with the White House over detainee policy in the war against al-Qaeda on Monday, with a panel approving new rules for handling terrorism suspects after adding changes wanted by the administration. Further, the White House said senior officials will not recommend that President Barack Obama veto the bill.
Obama 2012 Drops Trailer for "Road We Traveled"

Obama Approval Rating Slips Further: ABC News/Washington Post Poll

According to the latest poll, 49 percent of Americans now have an unfavorable opinion of Obama. Some 48 percent of the poll participants view Obama favorably. It's the first time his negative number his outweighed the positive number in the measure of popularity.
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Merck CEO defends hefty research spending

The chief executive of Merck & Co on Tuesday defended his refusal to slash the drugmaker's $8 billion research budget and warned that global price constraints threaten the pharmaceutical industry's ability to innovate.
House Speaker Boehner Endorses Mitt Romney

Payroll Tax Cut: House Republicans Plan Passage of Counter Legislation

House Republicans will roll out their version of the payroll tax cut extension and likely pass it Tuesday the lower chamber. The bill promises to depart wildly from past offerings by both parties in the Senate and brings up the difficult task of bridging a sizable gap between the two.
Newt Gingrich

GOP Polls Put Gingrich on Top, But Savage Wants Newt Out

From the four early-voting states, polls show that Gingrich leads in three of them, and is catching up in the fourth, according to The Hill. Gingrich leads in Iowa, South Carolina and Florida, according to the latest data, and is gaining momentum in New Hampshire.
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Calling Obama a Skunk is not Racist Attack: Tea Party Mouthpiece

The Kansas based ultra conservative Tea party group defended its depiction of President Barack Obama as a Skunk. The Hutchinson based Patriot Freedom Alliance had posted an image with a caption that run The skunk has replaced the eagle as the new symbol for the president. It is half black, it is half white, and almost everything it does, stinks,
Newt Gingrich

Michael Savage: Gingrich is 'Fat, Old, White Man;' Offers $1 Million to Quit Race

Savage isn't shy about saying why Gingrich can't beat Obama, either. On his blog, he shows Gingrich ads with Nancy Pelosi, the right-wing's antithesis, mentions Gingrich's past infidelity, and notes that when Gingrich is on television he ca off badly compared to Obama and looks like nothing more than what he is: a fat, old, white man.
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Senate Rejects Obama's Choice of El Salvador Ambassador

Senate Republicans Monday blocked Mari Carmen Aponte, President Obama's choice to be ambassador to El Salvador, stating there were unresolved questions about whether Cuban intelligence officials tried to recruit her as a spy in the 1990s.
U.S. President Barack Obama meets Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the White House in Washington

Obama Meets Iraq's Maliki at White House on Monday

As U.S. troops prepare for departure from Iraq, President Barack Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki met at the White House Monday for talks focusing on the future relationship between the two countries.
Rick Perry

Rick Perry: 'I Don't Have Memorized All of the Supreme Court Judges'

Rick Perry says he hasn't memorized the names of the nine Supreme Court justices, and if voters want a robot who can spit out that kind of information, they should look elsewhere. He struggled to remember the name of Justice Sonia Sotomayor, eventually coming up with Montemayor.


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