Keystone XL Pipeline

Republicans Plan Bill to Force Keystone Pipeline Through

Congressional Republicans, who are urging President Barack Obama to give a permit to the Keystone XL oil pipeline project, are working on a plan to take the reins of approval from the president should the White House say no.

Harper to visit China, seeking higher oil sales

Harper to visit China, s
Prime Minister Stephen Harper plans to visit China next month as his government looks to open new markets for oil sands crude in the wake of Washington's decision to delay approval of a major pipeline from Alberta to Texas.
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Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie 'Disappointed' in Obama, Concerned About Foreign Aid

Angelina Jolie has spoken up about rumors suggesting she didn't support Obama's re-election effort. In an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller, she revealed that there were many things that had gone in a wonderful direction during the Obama administration, but there were also things she was disappointed in.
New Hampshire Primary

Mitt Romney in New Hampshire: Inside a Winning Campaign

Get a glimpse inside Romney's headquarters for the 2012 New Hampshire primary, and meet some of the volunteers who helped him get elected. Then, travel with IBTimes to the results party, where Romney's family greeted supporters and promised to turn the Granite State red. What drew New Hampshire to Romney? Why do voters believe he'll make the best president?
New Hampshire Primary Results: Breaking Down Mitt Romney's Historic Win

New Hampshire Primary Results: Breaking Down Mitt Romney's Historic Win

Romney won a significant victory in New Hampshire Tuesday, carrying the open primary and becoming the first Republican to win both New Hampshire and Iowa in the primaries since 1976. But more remarkable than Romney's 2012 win is whose votes gave him the victory: Romney supporters crossed every demographic, from age brackets to ideological concerns.
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Ron Paul 2012: Wall Street Won’t Give me Money

Ron Paul's running the 2012 Republican nomination race to win it (or at least collect lots of delegates); his campaign has a strong national strategy that goes beyond just Iowa and New Hampshire.
Mitt Romney

Romney Leads 2012 GOP Race, but Still Trails Obama: Poll

Mitt Romney continues to hold a double-digit lead over his Republican opponents going into Tuesday's New Hampshire primary but still trails President Barack Obama in a head-to-head match, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.
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Wholesale inventories barely rise in November

Inventories at U.S. wholesalers barely rose in November and growth in October was revised lower, suggesting the economy did not get as big a boost as expected from companies restocking their shelves.
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New Hampshire Polls: First Results Show Mitt Romney Leading

First results are out from the New Hampshire primary presidential polls and it looks like a close race. Mitt Romney is leading by two votes and Ron Paul is in second place, according to the results from Dixville Notch and Hart's Location, two tiny villages with just 9 and 23 voters each.


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