Obama Washington Auto Show

Obama's Auto Bailout Success Story Will Prove Crucial in Election Fight vs. Romney

Picture President Barack Obama's reelection campaign as a showroom. Over there, at one stand, is an overall improving economy -- he hopes. And somewhere in the showroom, either as a part of the economy stand or standing on its own, will be the health and restoration of the United States automotive industry. If the past week and a half is any indication, Obama plans to use it as a critical point in his reelection campaign as the industry continues a dramatic recovery from dire straits just mor...

Trump Reported Endorsing Gingrich for President

Donald Trump
Businessman and reality TV personality Donald Trump will endorse former House Speaker Newt Gingrich for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination Thursday, several media outlets reported Wednesday night.

House Votes to Repeal Part of Obama Health Law

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The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to repeal a provision of President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul setting up a home-care program for the elderly and disabled that regulators said was unworkable.
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House Passes Extension of Federal Pay Freeze

The House of Representatives, seeking to cut the U.S. deficit and burnish its own tarnished image, passed a bill Wednesday to extend a pair of pay freezes for federal workers, including its own members.
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Republican presidential candidate Santorum speaks as Gingrich listens during the Republican presidential candidates debate in Jacksonville

Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum: Republican Groundhogs

Groundhog Day is upon us. Up in Punxsutawney, Penn., the famous prognosticating groundhog Phil may see his shadow this year. We could be in for six more weeks of winter. Never mind the fact that it's been so unseasonably warm that Al Gore started writing the script for his next Oscar-winning documentary called Ha! I Told You So. If Phil says winter will continue then, by golly, it will.
Mitt Romney Wins Florida Primary

Romney Wins Big in Florida Presidential Primary

Mitt Romney cruised to a blowout victory in Florida's Republican U.S. presidential primary on Tuesday that put him back in front in the fight for his party's nomination to face President Barack Obama and left chief rival Newt Gingrich reeling but vowing to fight on.
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Skepticism rises around SEC fiduciary rule

Financial industry observers are increasingly skeptical that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's planned proposal to require a uniform fiduciary standard for all financial advisers will become a reality this year, if ever.


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