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Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Iran Crisis: Obama Vows to Protect Israel

Iran has repeatedly threatened Israel with destruction. U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed that his country will do everything it can to protect long-time ally Israel.
President Barack Obama

Obama Has Edge Over Romney in Small Donors

It does not guarantee him re-election in November, but it is an advantage President Barack Obama is likely to carry into the fall: a broad base of supporters who have given him the symbolic vote of confidence with a donation of less than $200.
Iranian soldiers shout anti-U.S. slogans during the anniversary ceremony of Iran's Islamic Revolution at the Khomeini shrine in the Behesht Zahra cemetery, south of Tehran, February 1, 2012.

Obama Says Israel Has Not Decided on Attacking Iran

President Barack Obama said Sunday that Israel has not yet decided how to respond to concerns about Iran's nuclear program and said there was no evidence that Iran has the intentions or capabilities to wage attacks on U.S. soil.
U.S. Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney shakes hands with supporters while giving a speech at his Nevada caucus night rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, Feb. 4, 2012.

GOP's Mitt Romney Has Momentum in Wake of Nevada Caucuses

Republican front-runner Mitt Romney cruised to an easy victory in Nevada on Saturday, taking firm command of the party's volatile presidential nominating race. He captured 44 percent of the vote with about 43 percent of precincts counted, taking about a 20-point lead over his closest rivals.
UN Meet on Syria

Russia, China Veto UN Resolution Asking Assad to Quit

The high-level diplomatic setback came after world leaders and Syrian opposition activists accused Assad's forces of a massacre in a sustained shelling of Homs, the bloodiest episode in 11 months of upheaval in the pivotal Arab country.
Mitt Romney Wins Nevada

Mitt Romney Wins Big in Nevada

The victory was Romney's second in a row and his third in the first five contests in the state-by-state battle to find a Republican challenger to President Barack Obama in November's general election.
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Author traces roots of U.S. political conspiracy theories

Extremist political conspiracies such as birthers and truthers may be a dominant theme of post-9/11 America, but in a new book by Arthur Goldwag, he argues that modern conservative groups may be a product of history repeating itself.
No Regular Aussie Troops in Afghanistan by 2013

Afghan Taliban Deny Mullah Omar Wrote to White House

The White House received a letter in 2011 that purported to come directly from Mullah Omar, asking the United States to deliver prisoners whose transfer is now central to American efforts to broker peace in Afghanistan, an Obama administration official said Friday. The Afghan Taliban denied on Saturday that the group's leader, Mullah Omar, wrote to the White House last year.
The U.N Security Council votes on a European-Arab draft resolution endorsing an Arab League plan calling for Bashar al-Assad to give up power in New York

China and Russia Veto U.N. Resolution Against Syria’s Assad

China and Russia have vetoed a resolution by the U.N. Security Council calling for the resignation of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad amid worsening violence in that country. The resolution backed a similar resolution proposed earlier by the Arab League.
Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi talks to journalists during a news conference in Tehran on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012

Ban on Crude-Oil Sales Will Not Stall Nuclear Program: Iran

Iran's oil minister said the Islamic state would not retreat from its nuclear program even if its crude-oil exports grind to a halt, the official IRNA news agency reported on Saturday. But Rostam Qasemi also called on the European Union to review its recent decision to ban Iranian oil imports as of July 1.

Boston, New York Mayors Aiming at Illegal Guns in Super Bowl Ad Spot

Among the slick, million-dollar ads airing during the Super Bowl this Sunday, viewers in New York and Boston will see a far more modest spot. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino will be sitting on a couch touting an issue most politicians avoid like the plague: gun control.


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