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Gas Prices Rising, So Cars' Fuel Economy Rising, Too: Study

The average fuel economy of 2012 model year vehicles is 14 percent higher than the same mark of just four years earlier, according to a University of Michigan study, confirming automakers' push to appeal to consumers' desires for more fuel efficient vehicles.
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Wall Street Higher on Greek Deal

Stocks rose Monday as Greece's parliament approved strict financial reforms needed to obtain its latest international bailout package.
Sarah Palin Super Tuesday

Sarah Palin CPAC 2012 Speech: Where to Watch Video

Sarah Palin wowed the Conservative Political Action Committee 2012 conference on Saturday, her mama grizzly roar repeatedly bringing the audience to a standing ovation and reaffirming her relevance to the Republican Party.
Spreading Santorum: Rick's "Google Problem" Spreads To Romney, Gingrich

Romney has narrow Maine caucus win

Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney bounced back from midweek losses in three states to narrowly win Maine's caucuses on Saturday, hours after winning a straw poll of Republican conservative activists.
Republican presidential candidate U.S Representative Ron Paul (R-TX)  and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (L)

Romney, Paul Make Final Pitches to Maine Republicans

Maine's Republican presidential caucuses look like a two-man race between Mitt Romney, the party's current front-runner (who is trying to avoid a fourth straight state loss within a week), and libertarian-leaning Ron Paul.
GOP Presidential Candidates

Republican Presidential Contenders Strategize for Super Tuesday

A fight is brewing in the U.S. South between Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, while Mitt Romney's priority is winning Arizona and Michigan. Those are the presidential campaign strategies becoming clear as fundraising efforts and spending plans shine a light on how the GOP race is likely to play out between now and March 6.


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