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No Child Left Behind: Obama grants 10 states leeway on education law

President Barack Obama said on Thursday he was granting 10 states exemptions from parts of the No Child Left Behind education law, a move that could prove popular in an election year with parents and teachers who have criticized the law - but raises concern among some advocates for low-income and minority students.

Jon Huntsman, Former Presidential Candidate, Joins Ford's Board

Jon Huntsman 2012
Ford Motor Co. on Thursday named former 2012 Republican presidential candidate and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman to its board of directors. The appointment gives Huntsman another job as he backs out of the public spotlight back into the private sector. And it gives Ford another established, high-profile board member with political ties.
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U.S. Reaches Mortgage Deal with Top Banks

The announcement caps more than a year of chaotic negotiations among state and federal officials, and the banks, who have been accused of using robosigners and unlawful documentation to deal with a flood of foreclosures.
First Lady Michelle Obama, who has spearheaded a healthy eating and fitness program for children for two years, will lend her voice on Thursday to the military's efforts to overhaul the food it serves.

Michelle Obama Spearheads New Plan to Overhaul Military Meals

Obese Americans in the military are a national security hazard and first lady Michelle Obama wants to see that change. Obama, who has spearheaded a healthy eating and fitness program for children for two years, will lend her voice on Thursday to the military's efforts to overhaul the food it serves.
Mitt Romney Wins in Maine.

Mitt Romney 2012: Why is his Campaign Heading South?

What did actually go wrong with Romney? How did he lose the aura of inevitability that surrounded him? Despite having the money and a strong organization, why are his acceptability and ratings heading south?
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Mortgage deal nears as holdout states join

California and New York, two big holdout states in a $25 billion mortgage settlement, are expected to join the deal, smoothing the way for an announcement on Thursday, according to a person familiar with the matter.
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14 Worst Love Songs of All Time for Valentine's Day 2012 [VIDEO]

February 14 is around the corner and with it comes one of the most disliked holidays of the year: Valentine’s Day. How better to commemorate Valentine’s Day 2012 than with a mix of the worst love songs of all time? Take a look at some of our least favorite classic, crude, cheesy, and guilty pleasure love songs.
Rick Santorum rising gas prices

Rick Santorum Foreign Policy: Hawk on Iran

The former Pennsylvania senator, who surged back into relevancy with wins in Missouri, Colorado and Minnesota, has worked to position himself as the social values-centric conservative alternative to Mitt Romney. But he has also articulated a muscular foreign policy vision centered on his belief that radical Islam, particularly the Iranian regime, poses a dire threat to American security.
Emergency contraception, also known as the "morning after pill" and seen by many conservatives as akin to abortion, for the most part would not fall under the rule since it is already available without a prescription to those 17 and older.

White House Defends Contraception Rules as Criticism Mounts

The Obama administration is willing to work with Catholic universities, hospitals and other church-affiliated employers to implement a new policy that requires health insurers to offer birth control coverage, a top adviser to the president's re-election campaign said on Tuesday.
The White House said it will spend and extra $50 million this year, and it will seek an extra $80 million in fiscal 2013 to bolster Alzheimer's research. Obama also plans to spend an additional $26 million in programs to support people who care for A

Obama Boosts Funds for Alzheimer's Disease Research

The Obama administration plans to spend an additional $156 million over the next two years to help find an effective treatment for Alzheimer's, a fatal brain-wasting disease that affects more than 5 million Americans.


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