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SEC's Gallagher wants more oversight of brokers

Congress made a mistake when it stripped away most of the Securities and Exchange Commission's authority to police the holding companies of broker-dealers for risks, according to the SEC's newest commissioner.
Keystone Pipeline, North Dakota

Keystone XL Bill Passes House Committee

A plan to fast-track the stalled Keystone XL pipeline was passed by a key committee in the House of Representatives Tuesday, as Republicans made yet another attempt to spur approval of the project that has become a major issue in the 2012 elections.
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Bernanke testifies before the Senate Banking Committee

Bernanke Urges Congress to Address Bush Tax Cuts

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Tuesday warned Congress that putting off a decision on the fate of expiring Bush administration tax cuts could unsettle businesses and households, undercutting the U.S. economic recovery.
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World watches as China economic leaders take stage

A new guessing game is about to begin: will China's incoming generation of leaders show more courage than the current incumbents in tackling deep economic imbalances that threaten to bring growth to a sudden stop?
Russia Syria

Russia, Syria Hold Talks, but Shelling Continues

Russia won a promise from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday to bring an end to bloodshed in Syria, but Western and Arab states acted to isolate Assad further after activists and rebels said his forces killed over 100 in the city of Homs.
U.S. President Barack Obama shakes hands after speaking about the economy in Arlington

President Obama Just Doesn’t Get It

If President Barack Obama has demonstrated anything of note this week it’s that he simply doesn’t get it. He has zero grasp of what made America great and, as a result, no capacity to fix our problems.
Alabama and Mississippi Republicans believe Obama is Muslim

Obama Approval Rating 2012 Reaches 50 Percent Mark

A poll shows that President Barack Obama’s approval rating has finally hit the magical 50 percent mark just as the job market is on its way to recovery, reported AFP. This puts the President at a double-digit point lead over Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney.
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Iran Defaults on Rice Payments to India: Traders

Iranian buyers have defaulted on payments for about 200,000 tonnes of rice from their top supplier India, exporters and rice millers said on Tuesday, a sign of the mounting pressure on Tehran from a new wave of Western sanctions.
Republican presidential candidates (L-R) former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)

Colorado, Minnesota Caucus 2012: Where to Find Election Results, Live Updates and Caucusing Details

The Minnesota and Colorado Republicans will head to their caucus stations Tuesday to choose the states' Republican nominee to fight Barack Obama in the November general elections. Missouri will be holding a primary on the same date. However, no delegates will be awarded since the Missouri Republican Party will be holding a caucus on March 17 for choosing the convention delegates. Find live results of the Colorado and Minnesota Republican presidential election here.
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U.S. targets food stamp fraud as election looms

Stung by election-year criticism of a program used by one in seven Americans, administrators of U.S. food stamp benefits are intensifying efforts to combat fraud and protect the $75.3 billion plan from the budget axe.

Assad's Forces Pummel Homs as Russian Arrives for Talks

A Syrian regime military assault on Homs killed dozens of people on the eve of a visit to Damascus by Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov aimed at pressing President Bashar al-Assad to end an 11-month uprising by implementing swift reform.
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House Republicans Try Again to Force Keystone XL

Republicans in the House of Representatives will try to force quick approval of the Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL oil pipeline using a highway funding bill, but the plan's author said Monday there may be more than one avenue for advancing the project.


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