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Associated Press Sues News Aggregation Service for 'Parasitic Business Model'

The Associated Press, the world's oldest and largest news-gathering organization, is making good on its threat to sue content aggregation news services, alleging Tuesday that a paid-subscription company's repackaged content works on a parasitic business model. The 135-page suit against San Francisco-based company Meltwater News begins with a thudding blow: Meltwater has built its business on the willful exploitation and copying of AP's and other publishers' news articles ...

Obama Wants $2.1 Billion for NASA's Florida Spaceport

The space shuttle Atlantis is moved towards the huge Vertical Assembly Building for work in its decommissioning at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Cape Canaveral, Florida, January 20, 2012.
President Barack Obama's proposed 2013 budget for NASA boosts spending at the Kennedy Space Center, which bore the brunt of job layoffs at the end of the space shuttle program last year, the center director said on Tuesday.

Obama Praises Jeremy Lin

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Carney told reporters that the president discussed Lin’s dramatic game-winning shot against the Raptors aboard the Marine One aircraft.
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The U.S. Capitol Dome is lit after the first significant snowfall of the season as the House of Representatives worked late into the evening to pass the $858 billion package of renewed tax cuts and more unemployment benefits in Washington

Congress Near Deal on Payroll Tax, Unemployment Aid

U.S. lawmakers were close to a deal Tuesday on legislation that would boost the economy in the short term by extending a payroll tax cut for 160 million workers through this year and continue long-term jobless benefits, congressional aides said.
Considerable Spikes Expected on China’s 2012 Defence Spending

Obama Tells Chinese VP Xi: 'Work by the Same Rules'

Jinping Xi, slated to become China's next leader by 2013, touched down at Andrews Air Force base this morning to begin a busy five-day visit which included meetings with President Obama and other top administration officials at the White House.
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Geithner: Tax Code Revamp Could Take Years

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on Tuesday said the Obama administration is close to presenting a set of principles to Congress to revamp the corporate tax code but that they will not be comprehensive and overhauling the tax code could take years.
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U.S. plan will end dozens of business tax breaks: Geithner

The Obama administration's corporate tax reform plan will end dozens and dozens of breaks, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Tuesday as he defended the White House's election-year call for higher taxes from wealthy taxpayers.
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Obama 'Hopeful' on Payroll Tax Cut Extension

President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he had seen hopeful signs that Congress would pass a payroll tax cut extension for the full year, as he kept pressure on lawmakers to take action he said was needed to keep the U.S. recovery on track.
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Obama hopeful on payroll tax cut extension

President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he had seen hopeful signs that Congress would pass a payroll tax cut extension for the full year, as he kept pressure on lawmakers to take action he said was needed to keep the U.S. recovery on track.
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Obama: hopeful on payroll tax cut extension

President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he had seen some hopeful signs that Congress would pass a payroll tax cut extension for the entire year, as he maintained pressure on lawmakers to take action he said was needed to keep the U.S. recovery on track.


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