best sleep position for a good night's sleep

Try Out This Position To Get A Good Night’s Rest

Many factors can contribute to sleep loss. While making a few changes to lifestyle may work for some, others solve the issue by adjusting their sleeping positions. If the latter works for you, then you would want to know the best sleeping position to get a good night’s rest.
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Performing This Exercise At Least Once A Week Can Help Enhance Longevity

Performing regular exercise has been proved by scientists to provide the body with lots of benefits. Aside from keeping your body healthy and strong, it also minimizes the risk of developing life-threatening ailments. There are many types of exercises to choose from. There is even one that can help boost longevity.
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New Study Says Universe Is Spherical, Not Flat

A controversial study claimed that the universe might actually be curved like an enclosed sphere instead of being flat as widely believed by the scientific community. The authors of the study noted that their findings call for a drastic need to rethink current cosmological models.
Japanese video game designer, writer, director and producer Hideo Kojima has created "Death Stranding" which centres on a mission to deliver packages and help rebuild a communications network in the United Cities of America

Video Game 'Death Stranding' Bids To Rekindle Hope

In a world fractured by political populism and divisive voices on social media, can a video game build bridges to harmony? The Japanese auteur behind "Death Stranding" hopes so.The much-hyped title comes out for Sony's PlayStation 4 on Friday and is the first creation of Hideo Kojima, the acclaimed designer of the Konami studio's mega-selling "Metal Gear" series, since he went independent in 2015.
