Police said the victim eloped with a married woman a few months ago.
The 16-year-old boy accidentally strangulated himself in front of a group of his friends who were invited as an audience to watch him shoot the reel.
The woman visited a website titled “If you shoot someone in the head, will they die instantly?”
The parents were charged with abandoning and endangering a child after their two older children, aged 2 and 4, were found living in unhygienic conditions and had signs of physical trauma.
The robber approached a teller and demanded cash by slipping a note.
Five men and a woman were targeted in an investigation launched after threats were made online against Saxony's premier, Michael Kretschmer.
The man discovered the long list of orders after an Uber Eats delivery driver called him while attempting to deliver the products.
The lions were being transported to an overseas facility.
"Let it burn," the man reportedly told his aunt after starting the fire, according to the police.
The mother, who appeared to be in her 80s, appeared weak, disoriented and dehydrated.
The dog kept breaking into the nursery at night, trying to wake the baby up.
A toxicology report revealed the child had methanol in his system.
Throughout the video, the man is seen standing still with no fear or panic.
A dump truck driver and another man waded through the water and pulled the woman out through her car's window.
"There were just so many negative people saying it wasn't possible. I was willing to do this for five years if that's what it took to get to the house," the 30-year-old said.
The reality TV star shared a video detailing her business of selling farts in a jar and has gone viral on social media.
Detectives found the woman sitting on the vehicle which had "accident damage and blood on the front passenger side headlight and grill."
It was unclear if there was any connection between the two shootings 37-year-old Tyrek Townsend was involved in.
A medical examination revealed that the 19-year-old girl was not sexually assaulted.
“I gave him just enough to shut him up and called y’all so he wouldn’t die,” she told officers that arrived at the scene.
He was flown back home on the same flight after a medical examination proved he was of sound health.
The father-of-two's cause of death has yet to be determined.
Three climb teams worked together to determine the hunter’s location.
The couple were tossed on to the stage below after the harness broke loose.
When the deceased man’s relatives arrived at the hospital to take possession of the body for cremation, they were shocked to find out that the man's face was partially eaten by a dog.
The girl's parents thought the red spots on the baby were allergies, but later found out they were burns.
The man was sentenced to nine weeks in prison and fined $5,000.
The two victims were approached by two masked bandits who robbed them of their belongings.
After murdering his cousin, the teen reportedly sent a message to the victim's father using a fake ID and demanded ransom.
Authorities did not disclose the motives behind Rajaee Shareef Black's fatal shootings, but he and one of the victims, Wendy Natalie Black, were shown to have been entangled in a custody battle since 2018.