Amanda Remling

3841-3870 (out of 4450)

Amanda Remling studied journalism at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, NJ.

Amanda Remling

‘Downton Abbey’ Season 3 Spoilers: 4 Things To Know About The New Season [SPOILERS]

Downton Abbey fans have awhile until the PBS show kicks off its third season on Jan. 6, but we have some exciting new scoop on what's to come! The cast and crew of the hit series revealed a new trailer and dished out some new gossip at the PBS Television Critics press tour. Take a look at five of the hottest spoilers revealed about season three of Downton Abbey.

Is Michael Lohan’s Baby Number 6 The Work Of The Devil? [SATIRE]

Is 2012 the year of the spawn of the devil? Snooki might be off the hook with birthing Satan's child since Michael Lohan announced this week that Kate Major, his on-the-restraining order, off-the-restraining-order girlfriend is expecting. But the real question is what are they expecting?
