Prarthito Maity

901-930 (out of 1036)

Nearly 28 pct American firms using cloud computing

Illinois based computer hardware and software supplier, in a poll conducted last month, confirmed that nearly 28 percent of all US organizations are using cloud computing and another 73 percent reported that their first access to cloud was through a single cloud application

German scientists laser their way again; transfer 700 DVDs in 1 sec

Scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, have succeeded in transferring a record 700 DVDs in only one second making it the highest bit rate on a laser. With 26 terabits per second, it would be possible to transmit up to 400 million telephone calls at the same time, they say.

W3C releases CSS 2.1

W3C, the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web, has announced the launch of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 2.1, making it the new internet standard

Syrian internet service back on-line

The Syrian internet service was said to be restored on Saturday, a day after two-thirds of the Syrian network had been disconnected amidst the civil unrest in the country
