Riot is releasing two Rakan and Xayah icons for League of Legends to celebrate the release of the pair. You've only got one week to get them, so don't miss out!
Dark Star Orianna and Kha'zix have just been announced, along with a brand new Dark Star inspired map and game mode.
Rakan and Xayah are the two newest champions coming to League Of Legends.
League Of Legends is getting two new champions, a bird duo. Check them out in this video on Lol's social media accounts.
League Of Legends just released a new teaser on their Facebook page and I can tell you one thing: Tyler1 is still banned.
It’s April Fool’s in League Of Legends, though there’s less URF than usual.
There's a League Of Legends Chroma IP sale this week, find out which skins will be available and understand Riot's complicated system. At least they didn't incorporate Hextech Crafting into this.
Dreadnova Gangplank and a new Legendary Lee Sin skin are coming to the PBE today, here's a first look.
'League Of Legends' Patch Notes 7.6 is coming out soon, can Riot fix Miss Fortune or Varus?
Four new League of Legends Urf Day skins are headed to the PBE. Moo Cow Alistar, Pug Kog'maw, Super Kennen and Renekton are on their way.