Frazee was sentenced on Monday.
Testifying in the afternoon session are Ukraine envoy Kurt Volker and National Security Council official Timothy Morrison.
Instead of supporting him and his son, one of the teachers wrote, "No! Put him on a diet and go away!"
Michael Webb, 51, was sentenced to life after jury found him guilty of kidnapping the girl.
An apparent electrical issue on the USS Harry S. Truman resulted in months of tests and repairs, a source told the International Business Times.
Yelena Nezhikhovskaya reportedly gave her daughter a lethal dose of medication and alcohol.
Democrat Eric Swalwell is being "ripped" by Republicans for allegedly farting on live TV.
The sounds continued for almost fifteen minutes and emergency response took control of the situation.
Sondland told David Holmes after the call that Trump's focus was on investigating Biden.
Sandeep Dhaliwal, 42, was shot dead while conducting a traffic stop.
Epstein's guards would face charges for falsifying criminal records.
The White House's Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative receives $50 million to advance its objectives.
Chick-fil-A has decided to stop donations to anti-LGBT groups, and some prominent conservative voices are unhappy with the move.
A report from the Governors Highway Safety Association pushes for more states to adopt mandatory rear-seat seat belt laws.
Dennis Tyler, mayor of Muncie, Indiana, has been arrested in an FBI anti-corruption probe.
House Judiciary Committee wants access to grand jury material to determine whether the president can be impeached for obstruction of justice.
The men reportedly got separated while searching for a deer one had shot on the first day of Michigan's hunting season.
The last reported contact she had was a text with her mother before going out to run errands and meet a friend.
The court stayed an appellate court ruling that would have required Trump turn over his returns by Wednesday.
Host Craig Silverman says a post on Facebook supporting a former ambassador to Ukraine who testified as part of the impeachment hearings.
An ABC-Ipsos poll indicates a vast majority of Americans think Trump was wrong to ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens but only a slim majority thinks he should be removed from office.
Locals left floral tribute at the scene of the crime after the news broke.
Danelle Nicole Powell and the deceased LeeAnna Brumley were reportedly staying together.
The local reports suggested that there was smoke coming from the house and the neighbors reported that the house was in flames earlier in the evening.
The man lured her out to Las Vegas under the guise of looking for homes.
The buck was reportedly nine-and-a-half years old.
After shooting his family, the husband turned the gun on himself.
The suspect or suspects opened fire on a gathering of family and friends watching a football match in the backyard.
Ivanka Trump comes to the defense of her brother, Don Jr., and pays a price for this glint of sibling love on social media.
Officials said the plane crashed after it hit a billboard near the side of the freeway, about half mile southwest of the Ogden-Hinckley Airport. Two occupants and a bystander were injured in the incident.